[Controller Recommended]

Change the color of your paint to match the color of your enemies!
Red Paint deals damage to Red Enemies.
Green Paint deals damage to Green Enemies.
Blue Paint deals damage to Blue Enemies.

[R3 also works as a Lock-On button on controller]

Hey again, it feels like it's been a while since I've done a game jam...
I've been wanting to do a longer jam for a while, and the major jam just so happened to get announced, so I figured I'd do it!
I've been practically obsessed with making a NieR-styled hack-and-slash game for months at this point, and the culmination of that is this game right here.
I may bitten off more than I could chew with this one, I was initially planning to have 6 colors, each with different effects that would change knockback, increase stun duration, etc. Clearly, I did not do that...

A lot of the players base movement and camera code was reused from something I was working on back in June, but everything other than walking, dodging and jumping code was made during the jam.

I was surprised by how difficult making enemies was- a lot of it was probably just because I'm inexperienced with navmeshes and pathfinding. I have an idea for another jam that's coming up that would be a good excuse to get better with those. 👀

Music and sound effects are also something I'm noticing my deficit of skill in. I've hung up my proverbial piano and decided to just use pre-made music for my games. The problem with that is it's very hard to find something that matches the feel of the game... whether that's because I didn't make it, or because I can't find the ones that would fit, I'm not entirely sure...

Sound effects are literally just whatever I generated this morning with JFXR, I check out a few different variations but there's almost no tweaking lol.

Anyways, I'm a little sad that I couldn't achieve my lofty goals for this game, and that it became merely a shadow of what I had hoped. But that's just how game jams are.
Besides, I feel like it actually turned out decently fun. Maybe that's just because I made it though...

I think that's all I have to say here.
I'm very tired.
I'm going to bed. Have a good night if it's night for you, or a good day if not.

music from https://opengameart.org/content/jrpg-epic-rock-battle-theme-1


Paint and Slash Windows.zip 29 MB
Paint and Slash Linux (untested).zip 29 MB


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Every game you make is EPIC!  Please make more :)

I plan to make plenty more! :)